Pannon Poultry Services

„Vet advisor who speaks your language”

Whether someone recommended an experienced poultry advisor to you or, you are simply searching on the net for reliable technical help for your poultry operation, you have arrived at the right place. Perhaps you have some good ideas on how to grow your poultry business, but you do not have all the scientific knowledge necessary to improve your work quality or productivity. Alternatively, you might be studying in the field of poultry science, and want to find out more about this vast specialist area. PPS offers practical, independent advice to help solve all your poultry related problems.

The poultry industry faces lots of challenges today. On the one hand, there is an increased demand for safe food, with no residues or artificial intrusions into the chicken or turkey meat.

Also these living creatures should have a life without fear, pain, disease, stress, hunger, thirst, or uncomfortable conditions, and their behaviour should as much as possible indicate their well-being. It is not easy to satisfy all these desires. All these aspects are under pressure from economics – consumers want happy chickens and healthy meat, but do not want to pay a higher price for it. There is a widespread belief, that these aspects are mutually exclusive.


PPS (Pannon Poultry Services) offers the possibility of striking a healthy balance between poultry welfare, profitable production and safe food. PPS gives you independent, technical advice based on science, with a wide international and practical experience, and simple logical thinking.